Monday 20 April 2009


It has been a month since my last post and I have been on another long trip, this time in south of France. I have joined a theatre workshop there and met lots of interesting people. It was fun and also lots of work. I was removed from my family, work and daily life I have here in UK and that was very beneficial to me.
I’ve nourished my soul and my body, not always being raw but I was eating very healthy. I even managed to do a one day fast and watching other people eating wasn’t bothering me. I even sat with them at the table and just drunk green tea.
Today I have done another day of fasting as the last one was a week ago. I had a blueberry smoothie at lunch time but it consisted only of fruit and juice. I have been also sipping a mixture of elderflower, red bush and green tea with soya milk.
I’m thinking about doing a week on just liquids. I can’t do any longer as I have another trip in store, this time to New York but only for a week.

Thursday 12 March 2009

New chapter

I haven’t been here for a long time and so much has happened!
Italy was wonderful and I have work hard but it was joy. I eat the bread and drunk the wine!!! I slept and dreamt and played and just was.
It was good and now is good too.
I have left polyphasic sleeping behind me and now for a change sleep as much as I can. Life is full of surprises. Yes, that’s true.
I came back from Italy full of mixed ideas about life and it curves and twists and corners. As I was flying in the airplane and looking down at the clouds I thought about ego and earthy possessions, how little I value them now. It doesn’t matter who I’m and what I do.
I have made a wonderful performance in Italy and few years’ back I would have been ecstatic about it but now I was just smiling. It was done and that was it, no big deal.

Now, almost two weeks later I’m still smiling and learning how to laugh. Two days ago I was tearing my hair out being stressed at work but I knew I would be laughing about it later. That’s what I’m doing now.
I have been also much more aware of my body and doing lots of reality checks: do I dream now? Who is the dreamer?
It’s all good because I have also become lighter as I’m able to look at myself and have fun with everything around me. Tomorrow I might cry. That’s part of life and my fickle mind. I’m learning how to get distance to all these earthly problems…I decided to call them challenges.
So here I’m and will be writing again about my encounters with life. Fascinating. What will happen tonight? Last night was full moon and I was trying to get lucid I my dreams and go to Stonehenge for a meeting with my friends. I have a set of friends who are interested in lucid dreaming and out of body experiences. Our aim at the moment is to project from our bodies and meet in the astral at Stonehenge. I managed to become lucid last weekend and even traveled to Stonehenge but forgot that I was supposed to meet my friends there. Well, I’m still learning about my awareness and this is only the beginning of my journeys out of my body.
Anyway I didn’t make it last night but had great dreams. Where will I go tonight?

Sunday 15 February 2009

Italy and super food

I'm packed and ready for my Italian adventure. I'm going to stay in a village of Sabina in the arts centre Ozu, near Rome for almost two weeks with 9 young people and make theatre! What a bliss. It's going to be so wonderful as I'm going to create the best time ever for myself and my co-workers.
I've taken some of my raw food with me and I hope not to indulge in Italian cooked food, specially bread. They have amazing bread and that's the only thing left I have difficulties to give up form the cooked shelf. Pasta, rice, cakes, etc. don't bother me at all. Even wine is history now but bread somehow is still lurking there with temptations.

I've made today wonderful, powerful super raw balls. I've mixed together grounded sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, grounded goji berries, tocotreniols, bee pollen, spirulina, camu camu, lucuma, sprouted linseed with bluberries, maca and yacoon syrup with some water to glue it together. The mixture is amazing! One of these balls a day will give me heaps of energy and satisfaction so I won't be tempted by any other dead food.

I should have easy access to the internet but if not then i won't be able to write here for the next two weeks. Well, I'm creating that access so it will be.

My new sleeping pattern gives me so much power and good feelings. I'm realy rested and still enjoy some extra time. The biggest bonus are the dreams and meditations. I was really struggling to achieve those in the strict polyphasic routine but now with 4h of core sleep I can enjoy more time in altered states. I still keep the naps as now they became meditations. It's great. Sometimes I fall asleep, other times I do affirmations and try to project from my body. I hope with time I will be more skillful and will be able to do astral traveling.
Life is good and and there is so much joy around!
It's time for my core sleep now...but I don't feel tired...

I have been counting my steps every day (I have a little gadget, which I attach to my clothing) and that has been great fun. We suppose to do 1.000 steps a day. I must say it's not that easy.
Today was good.
From 6am this morning till 00.14 (all day Sunday) I've made 10.182 steps=7.33km=307.2kcal
I didn't go for a walk as it was raining and I had lots to do at home but I managed to do 1/2 set of ashtanga yoga.

New phase in polyphasic sleeping

The core sleep, which I've embraced a week ago feels great. I feel at times sad that I've abandoned the uberman pattern with just 6 naps in 24h but it was very difficult to manage. My full time work and evening classes/activities didn't leave much time for this regime.
Now I feel more comfortable as the flexibility gives me peace of mind and I don't have to worry about missing some naps or not getting a sleep in others.
I was also missing the dreams and it's recall. The short naps were sometimes blank with no dreams at all and I couldn't allow myself to meditate, as I was worried that I would fall asleep.
Last night I was listening to the meditation tape between 00.30-1.30 and yes I did fell asleep half way through but it didn't matter. I then slept till 4.30 and could recall a great dream on waking up.
I felt rested and fully awake but stayed in bed till 5.30-6am. I was lying in bed for quite a while with open eyes just letting my mind wonder about my latest state of being. There was no trace of sleepiness and that was very welcomed.
For the last two days I have been very active physically so my muscles needed a rest too.
I will still follow the naps at midday, 4pm and 8pm as they are a great way to relax during my busy days.
Right now I'm preparing for my trip to Italy, where I will spend the next two weeks in the mountains near Rome rehearsing a new play.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

The power of affirmations

I have developed a new pattern of managing sleep right now. I don't know how long it will last but I'm sure it will change soon. Anyway I'm sleeping much longer these days having core sleep between midnight and 3-4am. On top of that I still have all my naps but they are more of a meditations rather than naps. I feel really good on that and don't feel tired at all. I wake up after my core sleep fully rested feeling like I've slept for a long time. It's a good feeling.

During the naps I simply relax and try to project out of my body. Hopefully with practice this will happen. I've managed to do it before so I know how it feels and that it's achievable.
I have been also doing lots of affirmations lately and feel very positive. Yesterday while driving back from work I felt a little bit sluggish so I forced myself to do some affirmations to raise my vibration consciously. The effect was very profound and I was astonished how from feeling quite ordinary and mundane I've managed to raise my vibrations so high that I was almost ecstatic.
When I came home I decided to go for a walk in dark, freezing rain! Anybody would thoink I was crazy! It wasn't a night for walking as the weather was absolutely dreadful. However it didn't matter for me. I was singing in the rain...
I also became more aware of my presence, being an observer. Great feeling and that also happened with constantly repeating that: “I’m more than my body”.
This makes me more and more aware of being in my body rather then being my body. It feels like I’m navigating the body and mind and at the same time observing the results.
Today I’ve received a message from Donald Neal Walsh in my e-mail box:

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that good health is not the absence of symptoms, it
is the presence of peace.

Do not confuse physical vibrance with spiritual vitality.
You are not your body. Your body is simply a tool.
A magnificent tool, for sure, but nothing more than that.

As with all tools, your body will from time to time need
repair. And one day it will wear down completely.
Your soul will do neither. Not now, not ever. Listen,
therefore, to the whispers of the soul, not the cries of
the body.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

Beautiful synchronicity!

Sunday 8 February 2009

Spring in the snow

It has been a beautiful day with snow and spring sun. I went for a walk with my camera. Beauty is all around us, we just have to open our eyes and heart to allow the flow. More photos on

Busy, busy

I haven't been here for a while only because I'm so busy networking, studying, observing nature, life and myself and so much more. I'm also building a new blog with a different search engine because I'm simply expanding!
Soon, I'll announce my new blog address here and say goodbye to this blog.